Saturday 9 June 2012

Fashion and Beauty on a Budget

How's it going, guys? It's me! I have been wanting to make this blog all day so finally here I am doing it! Woop. Right, I have probably mentioned that I am kinda a bargain hunter. I am pretty good at finding awesome things for a little budget, but you HAVE to be careful, seriously and here on this blog, right now I am going to tell you all my basic 'rules' on bargain hunting for clothes and beauty. I will also be listing some of my favourite super-awesome value for money stores and shops! So here it goes:

1) When it come's to makeup, don't buy something just because it's cheap. If you need it and want it and would use it regularly, read the bottle or box. Make sure it is safe and has no risks. I wouldn't advise buying properly cheap mascara, eyeliner or eyeshadow because you are potentially risking infection and irritation. I once bought a really cheap mascara for 99p and my eyes swelled up. So for me a £3.99 mascara is a good deal! Not as expensive as the £17+ mascaras but also not a price that could put you and your poor ickle eyes at risk. For nail polish, GO FOR IT. Even though you might have to put a couple of coats on before you get a rich colour you could be saving bucket loads!

2) CLOTHES. You want to dress as a pumpkin for halloween. AWESOME. You want an orange pair of leggings and a green top. Get the cheapest ones you can find. Quality doesn't matter in this situation. BUDGET DOES. You want a dress for a party which you would probably wear again and again, don't go for the cheapest one, or the most expensive, find a balance. Feel the material, you can usually tell if it is prickly or bad quality just by doing this. Check the seems, pull it around a bit, check it won't rip in the middle of the dance floor. Another good way to test quality is to try it on. If you put it over your head, or step into it you can hear the state of the material as the threads break or stretches to meet your needs. BREAKING THREADS = BAD. STRETCHING = GOOD.

3) SHOES ARE MY LIFE. Ok that was a bit strong but I do seriously love them. If you want to buy some slippers or something it's pretty safe to get them cheaply because you're wearing them around the house and you don't need much wear and tear out of them. But if you want some shoes that you would wear daily like school, collage or work shoes, I have invented this little test for how you can judge the quality and state of the shoe. What you do is grab the toe and heel of the shoe and pull them together, if they fold easily the likeliness are they aren't good quality and probably wouldn't last long, but if they don't then you're good to go. However, you may be thinking, good quality stuff it expensive..... we you are 10000000 wrong. My shoes from New Look the Copy-Cat Converse are AMAZING quality and only a tenner! That is a bargain. Not a £2 pair of pumps, they might last a week that's like paying 30p a day for them. But the £10 pair might last 6 months. See what I'm getting at? But YOLO, so don't listen to me if you don't want to. Shop for yourself and see what techniques YOU like, not me! 

Top 5 Best Budget Shops!

1) Primark!
2) Superdrug!
3) International!
4) Matalan!
5) Wilkinsons makeup section!

Here's how you do my tecnique!

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